Current events
Artistic enjoyment and Tuscan hospitality
20.–23. Oktober 2022
Our association supports the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino mainly through production and project sponsorship. In the current season, we have sponsored the first production of the TEATRO MAGGIO of Händel's ALCINA. For this reason, October also saw a reunion with Alexander Pereira and our partner organization, "Amici del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino." Unfortunately, Cecilia Bartoli had to cancel her performance and our meeting. The Lausanne soprano Marie Lys, whose performance as a Swiss artist was also sponsored by us, thrilled us only after a few moments of rehearsing on stage and was received with applause at the joint dinner.
A culinary-artistic introduction preceded this highlight at the Castello di Nipozzano, to which Marchesa Diletta Frescobaldi had invited the Swiss friends. Of course, the visit to the Frescobaldis' wine cellar was the beginning of an evening celebrating Tuscan cuisine and a house concert with artists from the Academy de Maggio. The patrons of our association who traveled with us were delighted. They were also able to participate in the exchange of ideas between the sister organizations, learning first-hand what their support made possible and what opportunities there will be in the 2023/24 season.
© 2022 Swiss Friends of Teatro Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
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